The Society and Space open site <>is excited to announce the launch of a new section entitled “Critical Geographies in Action.” We begin this section to call attention to the ways scholars are putting critical geography to use within and outside the academy. In this section, we are looking to publish essays and reflections that focus on scholarly engagement (in terms of research practice, pedagogy, and activism, including campus activism) with social movements, uprisings, artistic interventions, and any other practices that actively seek to transform social and nonhuman environments in more equitable ways. Of particular interest are pieces co-authored between academics and non-academics, works that connect local struggles to broader political questions asked by geographers and movement-workers alike, and essays that highlight the multiple locations of theoretical praxis in scholar-activist work.

To see examples of past contributions, visitors may check out the newly launched section here <>. Please send short proposals and questions to Eric Goldfischer at Contributions will be accepted on a rolling basis, and timelines for publication are flexible.