09Sep 2015
Job Opening: Comparative politics, UVA
11:50 - By Luna Vives - Jobs
The UVa Arts & Sciences Department of Politics is seeking candidates for a tenure track faculty position in Comparative Politics. The position is open to candidates seeking employment at either the level of Assistant Professor or Associate Professor. We seek to hire a candidate whose scholarship combines methodological rigor and deep contextual grounding in one or more world regions. We will consider thematic specialization and geographic focus in any area. Thematic areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the politics of gender, development, the quality of government, and/or social movements. Regions of interest include, but are not limited to, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
Review of applications will begin September 15, 2015. This posting will remain open until filled.
The anticipated appointment start date will begin August 25, 2016. Applicants at the assistant professor rank must be on track to receive a Ph.D. in the relevant field by May 2016 and must hold a PhD at the time of appointment. Applicants at the associate professor rank must hold a Ph.D. at the time of application and must have a strong publication and teaching record.
To apply, candidates must submit an online application through Jobs@UVa (https://urldefense.
Candidates at the assistant professor rank should have three letters of reference sent to Bonnie Bragg (bb6a@virginia.edu).
Questions regarding the application process in JOBS@UVa should be directed to Bonnie Bragg at bb6a@virginia.edu. The University will perform background checks on all new faculty hires prior to making a final offer of employment.
The University of Virginia is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Associate Professor of Political Science
Director, Asian American Studies program
Tufts University, Packard Hall
Medford, MA 02155
The Politics of Belonging: Race, Public Opinion and Immigration
University of Chicago Press, 2013